// TODO: put in extra safeguard to not display this to people who have purchased, e.g. delete on confirmation // TODO: also set a cookie to never retarget them with same thing var DCP3240eStoreFn = { aid: 'DCP-3240eStore', init: function() { // If on cart, check for items to potentially save to cookie if (window.location.href.indexOf('/cart') != -1) { DCP3240eStoreFn.checkCart(); // If on confirmation, check for cookie to delete if present } else if (window.location.href.indexOf('confirmation') != -1) { DCP3240eStoreFn.deleteCookie(); // If on entry page (setup via target), and cookie is present, as well as last cohort action is cart abandon, and is on VCA, display popup } else if (DCP3240eStoreFn.getCookie('dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items') && (window.location.href.indexOf('www.vodafone.com.au') != -1) && (DCP3240eStoreFn.getCookie('dcp_cohort') == 'cartAbandon')) { DCP3240eStoreFn.displayPreviousItem(); } }, checkCart: function() { var DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataMax = 300; var DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder = setInterval(function() { if (cartJSONData) { clearInterval(DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder); DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder = null; DCP3240eStoreFn.checkLastAddedItem(); } if (DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataMax === 0) { DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder clearInterval(DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder); DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataHolder = null; } DCP3240eStore_cartJSONDataMax--; }, 500); }, checkLastAddedItem: function() { var lastIndex = cartJSONData.bundledItems.length - 1; if (cartJSONData.bundledItems[lastIndex].cartLabel == 'Phone and plan' || cartJSONData.bundledItems[lastIndex].cartLabel == 'Mobile broadband service' || cartJSONData.bundledItems[lastIndex].cartLabel == 'Tablet and plan') { var lastItem = cartJSONData.bundledItems[lastIndex]; var displayName = lastItem.device.displayName; var color = lastItem.device.selectedSku.color; var capacity = lastItem.device.selectedSku.capacity; var smallImageUrl = lastItem.device.selectedSku.smallImageUrl; var friendlyUrlId = lastItem.device.selectedSku.friendlyUrlId; switch(cartJSONData.bundledItems[lastIndex].cartLabel) { case 'Phone and plan': friendlyUrlId = 'mobile-details/'+lastItem.device.selectedSku.friendlyUrlId; break; case 'Mobile broadband service': friendlyUrlId = 'broadband-details/'+lastItem.device.selectedSku.friendlyUrlId; break; case 'Tablet and plan': friendlyUrlId = 'tablet-details/'+lastItem.device.selectedSku.friendlyUrlId; break; } var bundleSkuID = lastItem.bundleSkuID; var mppTerm = lastItem.bundleSkuID; var cookie = displayName + '|' + color + '|' + capacity + '|' + smallImageUrl + '|' + friendlyUrlId + '|' + bundleSkuID + '|' + mppTerm; var now = new Date(); var days = 7; now.setTime(now.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = 'dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items='+cookie+'; Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/; expires=' + now.toUTCString() + ';'; document.cookie = 'dcp_cohort=cartAbandon;Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/; expires=' + now.toUTCString() + ';'; } }, getCookie: function(a) { var b = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + a + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)'); return b ? b.pop() : ''; }, deleteCookie: function() { document.cookie = 'dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items=;Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/;'; document.cookie = 'dcp_cohort=;Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/;'; }, displayPreviousItem: function() { if (DCP3240eStoreFn.getCookie('dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items')) { document.cookie = 'dcp_cohort=;Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/;'; var cookie = DCP3240eStoreFn.getCookie('dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items'); var split = cookie.split('|'); document.cookie = 'dcp__3240_cart_abandon_cohort_items=;Domain=.vodafone.com.au;Path=/;'; console.log('cookie deleted'); croWD.croWDUtils.sendTracking( "cohort-cartRetarget", "cohort-cartRetarget-popup-show", "" ); var displayName = split[0]; var color = split[1]; var capacity = split[2]; var smallImageUrl = split[3]; var friendlyUrlId = split[4]; var bundleSkuID = split[5]; var mppTerm = split[6]; $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder .lightbox .deviceImage').attr('src','https://shop.vodafone.com.au'+smallImageUrl); $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder .lightbox .deviceName').text(displayName); $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder .lightbox .deviceColour').text(color); $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder .lightbox .deviceCapacity').text(capacity); $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder .lightbox .deviceLink').attr('href','https://shop.vodafone.com.au/'+friendlyUrlId); var SERVpopupFnOptions = { popupid: 'cohort-cartRetarget', template: 'bannerFloat', dismiss: ['timeout', 10], css: { size: ['410px', '360px'], background: '#ffffff' }, html: $('#DCP3240eStoreHolder')[0].innerHTML }; SERVpopupFn.options = SERVpopupFnOptions; SERVpopupFn.init(); } } } DCP3240eStoreFn.init();