var personalisationFn = { ready: false, fetchData: function(url, doneCB, failCB){ var url = url; $.ajax({url:url, dataType: 'json'}).then(doneCB, failCB); }, formatCommand: function(input) { var inputMod = input.replace(new RegExp('topBanner', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.topBanner'); inputMod = inputMod.replace(new RegExp('cartTotalCostBanner', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.cartTotalCostBanner'); inputMod = inputMod.replace(new RegExp('eStorePhoneDeviceMessage', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.eStorePhoneDeviceMessage'); return inputMod; }, check: function (conditions, command) { if (conditions != 'all' && conditions != '') { var conditionCheck = false; // If in cart + inCart exists in check statement, check for cart items if((conditions.indexOf('inCart') > 0 || conditions.indexOf('bundleInCart') > 0) && (window.location.href.indexOf('/cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/checkout') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/new_upgrade_cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/checkout') != -1)) { // fix this returning undefined conditionCheck = personalisationFn.checkCart(conditions, command); } else if((conditions.indexOf('inCart') > 0 || conditions.indexOf('bundleInCart') > 0) && (window.location.href.indexOf('/cart') == -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/checkout') == -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/new_upgrade_cart') == -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/checkout') == -1)){ conditionCheck = true; // Replace simple functions to point to the correct function, helps with read-ability of the call from target // var commandMod = command.replace(new RegExp('topBanner', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.topBanner'); var commandMod = personalisationFn.formatCommand(command); eval(commandMod); } else { // Replace simple functions to point to the correct function, helps with read-ability of the call from target var commandMod = personalisationFn.formatCommand(command); eval(commandMod); } } else { // Replace simple functions to point to the correct function, helps with read-ability of the call from target var commandMod = personalisationFn.formatCommand(command); eval(commandMod); } }, checkCart: function (conditions, command) { var cartJSONData; if (window.location.href.indexOf('/cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/checkout') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/new_upgrade_cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/checkout') != -1) { // $.getJSON('', function(data) { // cartJSONData = data; var conditonsMod = conditions.replace(new RegExp('bundleInCart', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.bundleInCart'); var conditonsMod = conditonsMod.replace(new RegExp('inCart', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.inCart'); var conditonsMod = conditonsMod.replace(new RegExp('notpersonalisationFn.inCart', 'g'), 'personalisationFn.notinCart'); var conditionCheck = eval(conditonsMod); console.log('Personalisation cart check: ' + conditionCheck); if (conditionCheck) { var commandMod = personalisationFn.formatCommand(command); if (conditionCheck) { eval(commandMod); } } else { return false; } // }); } }, // Check if items are in the cart JSON // Category is the json patt from the bundledItems object, and item is the item to find inCart: function (category, item) { var bundledItems = cartJSONData.bundledItems; function resolve(obj, path){ path = path.split('.'); var current = obj; while(path.length) { if(typeof current !== 'object') return undefined; current = current[path.shift()]; } return current; } for (var i = 0; i < bundledItems.length; i++) { var testCategory = resolve(bundledItems[i],category); if (testCategory == item) { return true; } } return false; }, bundleInCart: function (categories, items) { var bundledItems = cartJSONData.bundledItems; function resolve(obj, path){ path = path.split('.'); var current = obj; while(path.length) { if(typeof current !== 'object') return undefined; current = current[path.shift()]; } return current; } for (var i = 0; i < bundledItems.length; i++) { var allMatch = 0; for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { var testCategory = resolve(bundledItems[i],categories[j]); if (testCategory == items[j]) { allMatch = allMatch + 1; } } if (allMatch == items.length) { return true; } } return false; }, notinCart: function (category, item) { var bundledItems = cartJSONData.bundledItems; function resolve(obj, path){ path = path.split('.'); var current = obj; while(path.length) { if(typeof current !== 'object') return undefined; current = current[path.shift()]; } return current; } for (var i = 0; i < bundledItems.length; i++) { var testCategory = resolve(bundledItems[i],category); if (testCategory == item) { return false; } } return true; }, // Function to call to apply top banner personalisation // Style - related to a CSS class to apply to the top banner + logo // Content - copy of the banner itself topBanner: function (style, content, link) { if ($('.top-banner-carousel').length == 0) { // var banner = "
| "+content+"
" if (typeof link == 'undefined') { var banner = ''; } else { var banner = ' '; } if ($('.page-container .mega-menu-v2').eq(0).length > 0 ) { $('.page-container .mega-menu-v2').eq(0).after(banner); } else if ($('.spl-topnav-container').eq(0).length > 0) { $('.spl-topnav-container').eq(0).after(banner); } croWD.utils.sendCampaignTracking( 'personalisation:content:all:serv-personalisation:personalisation-' + style ); } }, cartTotalCostBanner: function (style, content, link) { if ($('.alert-box').length == 0) { var banner = '
'; $('.cart-total-cost-header').eq(0).after(banner); $('.shop-minicart').eq(0).after(banner); croWD.utils.sendCampaignTracking( 'personalisation:content:all:serv-personalisation:personalisation-' + style ); } }, eStorePhoneDeviceMessage: function (style, content, link) { if ($('.alert-box').length == 0) { var banner = '
'; $('.PostpaidDeviceContainer__button').eq(0).after(banner); croWD.utils.sendCampaignTracking( 'personalisation:content:all:serv-personalisation:personalisation-' + style ); } } } // If on cart/checkout, load cart data into variable for other functions to access var cartJSONData; // Upgrades if (window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/new_upgrade_cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/upgrades/checkout') != -1){ $.getJSON('', function(data) { cartJSONData = data; personalisationFn.ready = true; }); // New AQ } else if (window.location.href.indexOf('/cart') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('/checkout') != -1) { $.getJSON('', function(data) { cartJSONData = data; personalisationFn.ready = true; }); } else { personalisationFn.ready = true; }