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Vodafone 4G brings choice and value to the ACT

Generous plans offer greater data inclusions

Vodafone today officially launched its high-speed 4G (LTE) network in the ACT, as the first stage of its comprehensive LTE rollout in Canberra.

Vodafone Chief Technology Officer, Benoit Hanssen said customers in the ACT now had greater choice when it came to choosing 4G networks.

Suburbs which have 4G coverage switched on today include parts of Acton, Civic, Crace, Downer, Franklin, Greenway, Harrison, Latham, Lyneham, Mitchell, Reid, Tuggeranong and Turner.

Vodafone’s Chief Technology Officer Benoit Hanssen said Vodafone had focused on creating a fast, reliable network in the ACT.

“Vodafone’s 4G network is continuing to roll out around the country and we are pleased that we are able to offer fast, reliable 4G in the nation’s capital,” said Mr Hanssen.

“Last week we announced our first million 4G devices, a major milestone less than a year after we first switched on our first 4G site. We are adding more 4G sites every week around the country and our full rollout to the ACT is now underway.”

In recent independent speedtests, Vodafone’s 4G network came out ahead of the big two competitors in Sydney and Melbourne.

Mr Hanssen said the challenge for mobile telecommunications engineers was configuring its networks to keep up with the ever-growing demand for data.

“4G speeds are typically much faster than 3G, which means customers can download more – and we know they do as we’ve seen usage jump from our own customers when they make the switch,” said Mr Hanssen.

“Vodafone is committed to offering generous data inclusions to our customers and we’d encourage residents of the ACT to look at their current provider and see if they’re getting value for money.”

Vodafone also offers a Network Guarantee, which allows customers to try out the network for 30 days.
If the customer isn’t satisfied with Vodafone’s 3G and 4G coverage, the customer is free to exit the contract without penalty and only paying for what they used.”

“We have been extremely focused on delivering the very best network experience for our customers. I’m very confident those who haven’t been with us in a while and those who have never tried Vodafone will be extremely satisfied with how our networks are performing today,” said Mr Hanssen.


Notes to editors:

Vodafone Coverage
Network Guarantee

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