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Vodafone bucks industry complaints trend

74 per cent decline in complaints since 2014


Vodafone is proud to have the lowest ratio of TIO complaints of the mobile network operators. Since 2014, complaints against the company have dropped 74 per cent.

Vodafone’s complaints ratio for the December 2016 quarter was 22 per cent lower than the industry average. This demonstrates a continuing improvement in the way the company supports its customers and manages their concerns.

We attribute this to our strong network performance, our value-packed plans designed to avoid bill shock, and our commitment to customer service excellence. We have listened to our customers and acted. We’ll continue to work hard to minimise the effort they go to in getting any concerns resolved.

Complaints data for the March 2017 quarter is due to be released on Monday,15 May, and Vodafone expects to see another significant decline in its rate of complaints.



During the December 2016 quarter, Vodafone recorded a ratio of 5.0 complaints per 10,000 services in operation to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, down from 6.2 in the previous quarter. Vodafone’s ratio of complaints was 8.6 in the March 2015 quarter and 19.6 in the March 2014 quarter.


Media Contact

Jen Zemek

For journalists with enquiries about this media release, please email Jennifer.Zemek@vodafone.com.au. View our media contact page for more information. The Vodafone media team cannot assist with customer enquiries.

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