This support article will give you key information about using your plan while you’re overseas.
VoLTE is now available through some networks in the USA and will be rolling out to more destinations in the future. Using VoLTE when you're on international roaming may give you a better call quality with a faster call connection. Find out more on our VoLTE support page.
The best way to activate and manage international roaming is through My Vodafone.
With $5 Roaming, you can use your plan in over 100 destinations for $5 extra per day. T&C apply.
If you're on a Vodafone Infinite, Plus or Vodafone Infinite Data Plan, you can only use your included data with $5 Roaming, along with your call and text inclusions. Data capped at speeds up to 1.5, 2, 10 or 25Mbps is not accessible while $5 Roaming. If you use all of your included data on a Vodafone Infinite or Plus Plan, we’ll add 1GB data for $5. If you use more than 30GB hotspot data, you'll be charged $5 for each extra 1GB. If you’re on an Ultra+ Plan, you can use unlimited data on your phone.
The destinations where you can use $5 Roaming may vary, so check our current destinations before you travel. You can use $5 Roaming for up to 90 days per calendar year. If you've used your 90 day/year allowance for $5 Roaming, you'll then be charged at our Pay As You Go Roaming rates.
If you signed up to a phone plan after 23 April 2014, $5 Roaming will be activated by default. Otherwise, you’ll need to opt in. To check that it’s activated, go to My Vodafone.
Our Modem Plans are not eligible for $5 Roaming.
If your plan isn’t eligible for $5 Roaming or if you’re visiting a destination where $5 Roaming isn’t available, you can access our Pay As You Go Roaming rates.
With In-Flight Roaming, you can use your plan on participating airlines for $5 extra per day. T&C apply.
If you're on a Vodafone Infinite, Plus or Vodafone Infinite Data Plan, you can only use your included data with In-flight Roaming, along with your call and text inclusions. Data capped at speeds up to 1.5, 2, 10 or 25Mbps is not accessible while In-flight Roaming. If you use all of your included data on a Vodafone Infinite or Plus Plan, we’ll add 1GB data for $5. If you use more than 30GB hotspot data, you'll be charged $5 for each extra 1GB. If you’re on an Ultra+ Plan, you can use unlimited data on your phone.
The airlines you can use In-flight Roaming may vary, so check our current airlines before you travel. You can use In-flight Roaming for up to 90 days per calendar year. If you've used your 90 day/year allowance or if your plan is ineligible for $5 Roaming, you'll then be charged at our Pay As You Go Roaming rates.
Here are the destinations where you can use $5 Roaming. These destinations may vary, so be sure to check our current destinations before you travel. Pay As You Go rates apply for any roaming usage outside of these destinations.
Aland Islands | Croatia | Iceland | Malta | Poland | Sweden |
Albania | Cyprus | India | Mexico | Portugal | Switzerland |
Argentina | Czechia | Indonesia (includes Bali) | Moldova | Qatar | Taiwan |
Armenia | Denmark | Ireland | Monaco | Romania | Tanzania |
Austria | Dominican Republic | Israel | Mongolia | Russia | Thailand |
Bangladesh | East Timor | Italy | Montenegro | Samoa | Tonga |
Belarus | Estonia | Japan | Mozambique | San Marino | Türkiye |
Belgium | Fiji | Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man | Myanmar (excludes Data) | Saudi Arabia | UK (England) |
Bolivia | Finland | Kazakhstan | Nauru | Scotland | Ukraine |
Brazil | France | Kuwait | Netherlands | Serbia | Uruguay |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Kyrgyzstan | New Zealand | Singapore | USA (America) |
Cambodia | Germany | Latvia | Northern Ireland | Slovak Republic | Uzbekistan |
Canada | Ghana | Liechtenstein | Norway | Slovenia | Vanuatu |
Chile | Gibraltar | Lithuania | Papua New Guinea | Solomon Islands | Vatican City |
China | Greece | Luxembourg | Pakistan | South Africa | Vietnam. |
Colombia | Guatemala | Macau | Paraguay | South Korea | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Hong Kong | Macedonia | Peru | Spain | Wales |
Costa Rica | Hungary | Malaysia | Philippines | Sri Lanka |
We’ll only charge you the $5 fee on days that you make or receive a call, send an SMS or MMS or use data in an included destination Receiving messages is free and won’t trigger the $5 fee. Once you’ve paid the $5 fee, you’ll be able to use your plan for the day.
Days are calculated in 24 hour blocks from when you first use your phone overseas.
If your plan includes unlimited standard national minutes, you can use these to call standard numbers within the destination you are in. You can also use these to call standard Australian numbers.
For other eligible plans, calls to standard Australian numbers and standard numbers within the destination you’re in come out of your plan’s included value at the same rate as if you were calling a standard number within Australia.
Standard calls to destinations outside the destinations where you’re roaming and Australia are charged as an international call. You can use the international call inclusions in your plan or International Talk Add-on as if you were making the call from Australia.
Yes. Your pool of data will continue to be shared while using $5 Roaming. The only data that won’t be shared is any automatic additional data you receive while using $5 Roaming on a Vodafone Infinite or Plus Plan.
The $5 charge is for each plan that uses $5 Roaming. For example, if you have three plans on your shared account and two of them use $5 Roaming on the same day, $10 will be charged to your account.
If you signed up to a Vodafone Infinite Data Plan, Tablet Plan or Data Plan, $5 Roaming is available and already switched on for you.
If you signed up to a Mobile Broadband plan after 12 April 2017, $5 Roaming will be available and already switched on for you.
If you signed up to an eligible Mobile Broadband plan between 31 August 2016 and 12 April 2017, you’ll need to activate $5 Roaming through My Vodafone.
If you signed up to a Tablet Plan or Data Plan, $5 Roaming is available and already switched on for you.
If you signed up to a Business Flex Mobile Broadband plan after 17 May 2017, you don’t have to activate $5 Roaming – it’s already switched on for you. If you signed up to a selected Business Flex Mobile Broadband plan before 17 May 2017, you can activate $5 Roaming by speaking to your Personal Account Manager, or by calling 1555.
$5 Business Flex Mobile Broadband Month to Month SIM Only and 24 month plans are not eligible for $5 Roaming.
Yes. If you signed up to a Business Advance plan or a Business Advance BYO plan, you can access $5 Roaming.
If you have 1 plan on your eSIM, then you’ll be charged $5 extra a day when you use your plan in a $5 Roaming eligible destination.
If you have 1 plan active on an eSIM and another plan loaded on either a physical SIM or an eSIM, then you’ll be charged $5 extra a day if you use only 1 plan in a $5 Roaming eligible destination and $10 extra a day if you use both plans in a $5 Roaming eligible destination.
Your phone should automatically connect to our roaming partners’ network wherever they’re available.
If you have trouble connecting, try our international roaming troubleshooting guide.
Depending on whether you’re calling locally, calling another destination or back to Australia, you may need to use the full international format when dialling. Check out our making calls while roaming support page for more information.
Callers in Australia can dial your number as they normally would if you’re in Australia.
Callers outside Australia will need to enter your number in full international format.
Yes, with $5 Roaming you can use your plan’s included data in over 100 destinations for $5 extra per day. If you use all of your plan’s included data, we’ll add 1GB data for $5 the same as if you were in Australia.
If you're on a Vodafone Infinite, Plus or Vodafone Infinite Data Plan, you can only use your included data with $5 Roaming, along with your call and text inclusions. Data capped at speeds up to 1.5, 2, 10 or 25Mbps is not accessible while $5 Roaming. If you use all of your included data, we’ll add 1GB data for $5. This additional data can only be used with $5 Roaming, is not shareable and expires at the end of your billing month.
If you are on a Business Flex Plan, Additional Data will be charged per KB at $5/GB ($0.005/MB) if you use all your included data.
If you don’t have $5 Roaming, or are travelling to a destination not covered by $5 Roaming, our Pay As You Go Roaming rates of $1 per MB will apply. In these cases, we recommend you use WiFi where available.
Yes. For more details, check out our support page on voicemail costs.
If you can't remember it, make sure to change your voicemail security code before you leave. You may need it while roaming.
The best way to keep track of your usage is through My Vodafone.
You can get in touch while you’re away by calling +61 426 320 000.
If you’re having trouble using your service while you’re overseas, try our international roaming troubleshooting guide.
Most recent phones are compatible with a range of different overseas networks. If you’re using an older phone or want more information, check out our international roaming troubleshooting guide.
No. When you arrive back in Australia, you’ll automatically access the Vodafone network and will no longer be charged for roaming.
You can leave your roaming activated in preparation for your next trip. If you prefer, you can deactivate roaming through My Vodafone.
Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is a feature that allows you to make calls within Australia using our 4G network. If you're on international roaming in the USA, you may be able to use VoLTE through some of their networks.
Using VoLTE when you're on international roaming may give you a better call quality with a faster call connection. You can also browse the internet or use apps at the same time.
You’ll need a compatible device with VoLTE enabled and be on an eligible plan. Find out more on our VoLTE support page.